4 Ways to Keep Your Clients Organized
At the end of one year and the beginning of another, organization projects become very popular. This year, I want you to consider organizing your clients! YEP - your clients. Here's why - if you can keep your clients organized, they're going to be happier and YOU are going to be happier. They'll better understand what you need from them to keep the project running smoothly, and they'll have confidence in you. Here are 4 ways to keep your clients organized:
1. Client Binder
Even though you might think it’s old school, I give EVERY SINGLE one of my clients a binder to have and to hold throughout the project. Until you get to install, it's pretty easy for most clients to feel the only thing that's getting done is the billing. They want to feel that they're part of this project - after all, you're creating their dream home! So I give them a binder to showcase the timeline, the furniture layouts, paint selections, and more. It gives them something concrete to look at while they're waiting, but it also keeps them up to date on the latest decisions and selections. Be sure to update this binder when you update the one for you and the contractor! And you can use a fabulous real binder with tabs, or you can make a digital "binder" on Dropbox. If you have an easy website to update, consider giving them their own password-protected page! It's a great way to showcase their project.
2. Email Them
If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you HAD to expect that communication was going to come up. The best way to keep you and your client organized is to have a system of communication. Besides the client binder, you should set up a regular date and time for an email they'll receive that gives them all the latest information about their project. You can also begin to set up expectations here, like reminding the of the installation date and how you'd like them to be out of the house that day. Or that you'll be photographing at the end of the project. Those types of updates give them good info so they aren't caught off guard by anything and so they have things ready for YOU. You should also remind them of when you'll be billing them, and how the timeline is proceeding. Keeping them up-to-date will also keep everything organized and moving smoothly.
3. Call Them
One thing that should NOT go in an email is a problem. Too often we fall back on email when we don't really want to have a difficult conversation. But an email is not a good way to give bad news to your client. You want to call them with an issue AND with your solution. Being prepared with a solution (or two!) will keep things moving. Your client won't have an unpleasant surprise, and you'll give them a way for the project to stay as on-time as possible. Now THAT is organized!
4. Have a Process
You know how I am about processes and systems! And if you don't, just click here. :) The best way to keep your client organized is for YOU to be organized, too! You want to have Dropbox folders ready for your client. You need to have calendar reminders for when to send those email updates. And you want to be sure that you have a process for updating binders. Getting all of that systemized makes EVERYTHING run more smoothly!
Speaking of which - I'm giving you my FREE Guide to Organizing with a Client Binder! Now you can set one up for every one of your clients so things will run perfectly for you and for them.
Happy organizing!